Monday, July 26, 2010

Sept 10, 2009 - Post-Burn Email

Eternia and Beyond,
This year's burn did a lot for me so I feel inclined to reflect a bit as well. As you all know Emily and I are going on a grand adventure in about a week for an indefinite amount of time. That meant that the goodbyes I gave out were probably the most uncertain goodbyes I've ever given. Not that I don't intend or desire to return, you just never know. Throughout the week I ran into pretty much everybody I knew was on the playa and shared some really uplifting moments with ya'll but I think on whole my goodbyes were pretty weak.
It's probably a good thing I wasn't with any of you while the temple burned because I would have been an emotional wreck but the early morning hugs and Saturday goodbyes didn't really do justice to how I felt about being there with every one of you. The silence while the temple burned amplified the feelings that everyone was having at the time and I was essentially sobbing like a child so I'm glad I spared you all that. But if anybody thought I wasn't experiencing some very strong feelings saying sayonara to my closest friends in life, that's what this letter's for. Knowing that one is literally among the luckiest, most privileged 99.999% of people that have ever lived is sometimes a difficult position. A position that didn't get easier as things consistently got better for me/us over our college years and beyond. Putting aside consideration of who deserves what and how to best appreciate it there is one aspect of my/our privilege that is hard to feel guilty for: Us. One can't ignore the magnetism that occurs through good people that allows us to find each other. It seems it doesn't matter how many degrees of separation are between us, all it takes is an introduction and I know I've got a great friend. I can only hope that this process will continue throughout my life and bring me in contact with more people of such peaceful, loving character.
Knowing each and every one of you is the distinct honor and pleasure of my life. Someday we will all be back together again. Until that day, do your best not to let the "real" world into your deepest, brightest spots as I assure you there is nothing remotely real about it. Sometimes it seems as if everything is stacked against us, but we know; we have seen It. Stay beautiful, seek truth, and may something within protect you, Tyler
PS - Most of you are on Emily and I's email list for our travel blog. We have a shared email account that you will all get a message from shortly. However I would like to make sure I have everyone's name with their email and mailing addresses for postcard purposes if you so desire, so reply just to me with a semi permanent address.
PPS - In addition to our combined blog/email account Emily and I also each have personal blogs if anybody is interested in our individual takes on life. They can be found through our gmail profiles: jtylerwalker@gmail and emilyterrill707@gmail as well as the combined account tyleryemily@gmail.
PPPS - Major props to Chris Groh for the insane amount of work he did to make our camp as comfortable as it was! James, Jess, and the rest of the Cock-crew you blew my mind beyond my wildest expectations with how sick PCNBs was. Don and Marsha having you guys around makes me feel like we're a family. James thanks for re-rocking the staffs, life as we know it would be impossible without them. People I just met last week I hope I brought you something like the joy you brought me. Those who just popped their cherry, every privilege comes with a responsibility, never stop. I love you all.